Documentation/CLI Modules

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Revision as of 10:03, 30 October 2012 by Yves.martelli (talk | contribs) (Added missing <graphviz> tag)
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Home < Documentation < CLI Modules

<graphviz> digraph g { graph [ rankdir = "LR" ]; node [ fontsize = "16" shape = "ellipse" ]; edge [ ]; "xmlFile" [ label = "<f0> CLI XML (.xml)| <f1>" shape = "record" ]; "uiFile" [ label = "<f0> CLI UI (.ui) | <f1>" shape = "record" ]; "gui" [ label = "<f0> Qt GUI | <f1>" shape = "record" ]; "ctkCLIModuleDescription" [ label = "<f0> ctkCLIModuleDescription| <f1>" shape = "record" ]; "vtkMRMLParametersNode" [ label = "<f0> vtkMRMLParametersNode| <f1>" shape = "record" ]; "xmlFile":f1 -> "uiFile":f0 [ id = 0 ]; "xmlFile":f1 -> "ctkCLIModuleDescription":f0 [ id = 1 ]; "xmlFile":f1 -> "vtkMRMLParametersNode":f0 [ id = 2 ]; "uiFile":f1 -> "gui":f0 [ id = 3 ]; "gui":f1 -> "ctkCLIModuleDescription":f1 [ id = 4 ]; "ctkCLIModuleDescription":f1 -> "vtkMRMLParametersNode":f1 [ id = 5 ]; }